Silversea: Galápagos 2022-2025

19 Genovesa Seymour Norte Baltra Marchena Española is around 3.5 million years old, and the southernmost island in the group. Española has a large number of endemic species, including the Waved Albatrosses, Española Mockingbird, Española lava lizard, and marine iguana. ESPAÑOLA sq mi 23 This is the first island in the Galápagos Islands Charles Darwin visited during his voyage on The Beagle. This island hosts Frigatebirds, sea lions, giant tortoises, Blue- and Redfooted Boobies, tropicbirds, marine iguanas, dolphins and Swallow-tailed Gulls. SAN CRISTOBAL sq mi 215 The Charles Darwin Research Station and the headquarters of the Galápagos National Park Service are located here. This is the native ground of the Galápagos’ giant tortoises. Guests will visit The Tortoise Ecological Reserve to interact with tortoises in the wild. SANTA CRUZ sq mi 381 Marine iguanas, sea lions, fur seals, sea turtles, dolphins and sharks are found here. Darwin’s Finches and Galápagos Hawks are usually seen, as well as a colony of Galápagos Penguins. You’ll find Santiago Island giant tortoises inland. SANTIAGO sq mi 226 Santa Fe Home to the Santa Fe land iguana —a species found nowhere else. 77° SUMMER TEMPERATURES Weather changes as altitude increases in the large islands. Temperature decreases gradually with altitude, while precipitation increases due to the condensation of moisture in clouds on the slopes. Fahrenheit (25° Celsius) 25 THOUSAND POPULATION The first human settlement dates from 1832. 1,432PLANT SPECIES Due to the particular microclimates and geological make-up of the archipelago, the islands aremore like a desert than like a rainforest. There are 600 native species of vascular plants, thirty percent of which are found nowhere else on the planet.